Apr 26,

VirtualBox, Bluetooth and Suspend: Pick Two

Howdy Interweb neighbor.

I think I've witnessed a bizarre interaction between VirtualBox, Bluetooth and suspend mode on my desktop PC.

Sometimes, very randomly and with intervals between manifestations of the bug so long that I couldn't isolate the cause, the desktop is resumed from suspend without a working Bluetooth adapter and with a repeating error about Bluetooth in the kernel logs, but without useful panic or call trace messages.

I concede the above description has nothing bizarre about it, unless I should mention that the error persisted between reboots and also after shutdowns. The only way to restore normal functionality was pulling the power cord from the wall main socket after power-off.

Now, this is a thing one doesn't see everyday!

Other than installing the most recent BIOS, I begun testing every new kernel that mentioned changes in the Bluetooth stack and every time I installed an update it seemed to solve the issue, until after some time the error resurfaced. Before a few weeks ago tho, I never correlated the fact that the bug manifested itself only after I compiled the VirtualBox's I/O kernel module1

A couple of months have passed without VirtualBox installed and the system has resumed flawlessly dozens of times. I'm not beyond any doubt I've isolated the culprit — I'd need a reproducible way to trigger the bug to be unequivocally sure — but for the moment I'm pretty confident I've removed this issue.

Now I need to explore some other virtualization solution because I don't think this one would be an easy bug to trace and properly fix it as I would guess, from lack of similar reported cases online, an hardware quirk. Also if memory serves me well, it doesn't help the fact that VirtualBox is in a somewhat low "maintenance mode".

  1. whomever has used VirtualBox at least once knows what I'm talking about ↩︎