Sep 22,

SSH keys precedence

Greetings readers.

Summer is officially over, so I can finally bear to be in front of a computer monitor without the help of an AC unit, the thunderstorm of the last week lowered the temperatures to a human level so going outside for most of the day is pleasurable, if one can find a place not infested by mosquitoes.

Enough ramblings, today1 I've verified that the OpenSSH client doesn't try keys in alphabetical order when attempting public/private keys logins, but instead tries them according to their timestamp, starting with the oldest.

Good to know.

This reminds me a Gerald Sussman quote2:

Nowadays you muck around with incomprehensible or nonexistent man pages for software you don't know who wrote. You have to do basic science on your libraries to see how they work, trying out different inputs and seeing how the code reacts.

I should be honest, I haven't checked thoroughly the OpenSSH man pages, anyway those words resonated with me.

  1. memory doesn't help me, but I think I've already done this one some years ago during my day job ↩︎

  2. courtesy of Wingolog ↩︎
