Greetings folks!
Later today I decided to tackle my other remaining big gripe I had with Nautilus1: an user can mount a FUSE based file-system but the file manager refuses to unmount it when clicking on the relative button, so the user is forced to open a shell and to execute the fusermount
command with the appropriate option.
It's a long term bug, I've lived with it for far too much time, that's why I finally decided to fix it once and for all. After downloading the sources of the version currently available on Debian stable, during the documentation phase, I found the RedHat bug report n. 1460203. Skimming to it, I stumbled to this line:
The solution is to add "allow_root" to your /etc/fstab and enable "user_allow_other" in your /etc/fuse.conf.
Wait, Wait. Is it true? Why no one told me about it before?
Indeed, I can confirm that the two parameters permit to unmount a FUSE based file-system from Nautilus. Even if it isn't the proper solution2, I'm really happy that I can finally put to rest this ancient and annoying bug without spending much time on it.
another small Nautilus bug that annoys me a little is the .hidden
file not honored when mounting a remote volume with GVFS/GIO ↩︎
there is a security implication when relaxing access to a FUSE based file-system to other users, as explained in this GitHub issue, I took a mental note to be careful with it when on a multi user system ↩︎